Changes at Local 264 & District 15.

imageAt the monthly member meeting held on Thursday May 26th, there were changes made and a position added here at Local 264, as well as changes within District 15. These changes were discussed and debated at the Executive Board meeting and the board felt that these changes would be beneficial to the entire local as a whole. The changes were presented to the membership, and discussed. The Local will be better across the board with these changes and the membership should feel that these changes will put and keep the local in an even better, more competitive, proactive position.

The changes are as follows:

Business Agent Jimmy Foley will take on Russ Gittlens locations. Jimmy has a deep knowledge and good relationships with Russ’s locations, so it should be a smooth transition.

Secretary Treasurer/Organizer Craig Hughes, has resigned his position to take a Business Agent position for IAM District 15, starting on July 1 Craig will be taking on BA Jimmy Foleys locations, with the most high profile being the MBTA.

Vice President Chris Gagne, has been appointed and voted in to the position of Secretary Treasurer/Organizer. He will take over Craigs duties starting Wednesday June 1 and work with Craig in order to move into the role seamlessly when Craig begins his BA position.

Executive Board Member Will Foley, has been appointed to the role of Vice President starting June 1.

Please support your brothers in their new roles and we thank them for everything they have done and will continue to do for this great local.


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